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I had to photo shop him to make him look tanner. He has never been so pale or skinny in his whole life!! |
anyeoung ha sayo cho aye kajoke! how goes it?! can i just say i was so happy to see yall on sunday!!!! ha you all looked so wonderful it made my day! now mom i know your mad because i didn't come give ya a hug or a kiss but it is because i need to be an example to my zone and show some composure....but i almost "rent" my clothes and went crazy. i love all your emails and letters and packages! everyone in my district is so gealous i kinda feel bad haha cuz i've gotten a package or letter from some one or other every day for the past 4-5 weeks! pretty good streak aye? well i want to say congrats to isaiah! when i read that he got offered i freaked out and started yelling and i kinda made a mess haha o well. I know that it is a blessing from the lord and that byu will be a place where he can progress athletically, mentally, but most of all spiritually. plus we could play togeths and have a blast haha. well dang i always get a brain freeeze when i get on the computer....o yeah well it's p-day and it's also the day we are having a special devotional and like 10 apostles will be there! but that's not even the craaziest part, president brown asked me to say the prayer during it!!! im so scared but i know the spirit will guide me, plus i might get to sit behind the apostles! i have a plan to accidentally trip and fall onto the laps of elder holland and president uchtdorf and then steal a lock of president ucht's hair and grabbing the jowl of elder holland in a subtkle mannner but we will seee haha. but i can't wait to be spiritually fed today!
well i would now like to tell yuraboon about a spiritual experience i had, ha espeicially you dad! so saturday after we met with president christiansen (our mission pres to be) we got to watch a movie. and what movie was it, none other then the other side of heaven! i hadn't seen it in forever but my companions were like these are your people! and they kept asking me if i was related to anyone in the movie haha because my white companions have given into the fact that all poly's are related. anyways while i was watching the movie i started thinking about you dad, and your mission and how you literally got to go to the place of your heritage and work and learn. As i watched i saw the polynesian people and i felt my heart just swell becuase they have a special place in my heart but in my mind i was also thinking, why didn't i get called to tonga! i want nothing more then to learn the culture and heritage of my family, and i already love the people! but then the spirit edified my mind and i thought "corbin, think about the people of korea! you love them and they will come to love you. they are waiting for you! the lord is waiting to give you experiences in korea that you couldn't get anywhere else." as soon as i started thinking i felt the spirit just envelope me like i had just jumped in a pool. i sat there and as i watched the movie and how elder groberg loved the tongan people and they loved him, i could imagine myself in korea and having a similar experience. It was just another testimony to me that i am going where i need to go and the lord is preparing people. i pray every night for the korean people because i know that they are a choice people and that through the atonement of our lord and savior, jesus christ, they can recieve blessings they can't even imagine! So that's my lil spiritual schpeel
in other news. ha i love recieving all the letters and stuff about what's going on with my friends and other missionaries. haha im excited because boden will have class on the same floor as me! um we get 26 new korean missionaries tomorrow so im a bit excited and nervous because i have to do this whole orientation thing on for them and it will be weird because now our district is the older district! to answer some questions, no i don't think im that skinny mom! i eat like a....well....a.....polynesian!! but i do enjoy the food you send, if it isn't too much to ask could you send some of your homemade rolls?! i told my district about the whole pocket of butter and that amazing heavenly roll you make and they just don't believe me. i need to prove them wrong!!! korean is coming along, i've really been increasing my study for both korean and the gospel and it is helping alot. dad, i haven't done my pin number yet for my card, do i need to do that asap? i haven't done it because my companions and i dcall it our get out of jail free card and we are saving it tilll we can't stand the mtc any longer. but if i gotta do it now i will! fus im so excited you get to go to canadia! lucky duck, and i love your hair, loooks awesooooomemme! tell brons for his birthday how much i love him and that he has been the greatest example any brother could ask for. he is a reason why i want to serve the lordd with all my heart mind might and strength. i can't wait for the day he comes in here and i get to hug him! welll love you all! twinnnys, be good!
p.s ok today i am sending my memory card, the videos on it are random and do contain topless men.....beware..