This is Corbin's latest email!!! This boy is hilarious!
aye der familia!! how are YURDABOON?!!! hahaha o my son of a baby pig i
don't know where to begin, this week has beeen so crazy and amazing and
crazy! um ok so i'll just fire off a bunch of random shenanigans and
hopefully you haven't heard it before from me. if so, be patient, or
i'll set you on fire!!! hahah ok hmmm so this week has been good, I feel
like i am progressing in the korean pretty well. i will admit sometimes
i wanna hulk smash through the wall because i can't say things i feel i
need to say but it's ok, that is why im working on patience right?!
haha um o goodness i have seen so many people in here. i see elder
tempest all the time and i love it. he has a short but hefty black
brotha and a glasses studded white male has his companions. I saw elder
sagers as well! i totally saw his car pull up so i dragged my 2 dwarves
with me to go say hello to ry guy. it was classic. i hope that they are
both loving the mtc as much as i am becuase it's trully amazing in here.
everymorning i wake up and i sing, and every night i lead the choir in
the showers, but i try to not sing tooo loud cuz it's against the rules
and im all about the obedience! which brings me to a story. so one
day my companion who is struggling with home sickness from canada wanted
to go get garments during personal study time and i firmly told him "no
we need to study, we are on the lord's time elder" so he was like no one really argues with me hehe. anyways that night after i
had just showered i came into the room and he just started getting mad
at me for not lettting him go get garments and i was a bit vexed so i
told him that we are here to do what the lord needs us to and we will be
completely obedient! well idk after we argued i was just so mad and
wondered why he was lashing out at me, so i prayed and asked the lord to
let me know through the spirit what i could do to help elder julian and
myself so that we could come together in unity. well after i had layed
down in my bed and put my ear plugs in (his sleep apnea machine can make
some crazy weird noises) i looked over and saw that he was just staring
at his pics from home, so then it hit me that he was just taking out
his homesickness on me and that i just needed to bare him up in kindness
and love, because his homesickness is the root of all his disobedience
problems. so that night i stayed up for a little while and just felt
horrible for rebuking him (never thought i would use that word) so the
next morning i woke up and decided i would apologize and ask him if
there was anything i could do to help him. well apologizing is sooooo
hard, especially when i feel like i was in the right at the same time.
so like 5 perfect instances came up where i could have apologized for
the little confrontation we had but i let them go cuz in my mind i would
rationalize that i said what i said because we neeeded to be obedient.
then for some random reasons the nephites came to my mind. and the pride
cycle and realized that i was going through a pride cycle and that i
wasn't apologizing because i was getting pridefu. so even though i felt i
was in the right i did as you always tell me dad and took the higher
road and apologized. i felt so much better and more in-tune with the
spirit after it was great. another funny story about confrontation is i
love playing soccer withe the koreans that just came in. but we always
happen to play this district who are pufffed up and stuff and i never
get competitive cuz we aren't supposed to so usually i run around
aimlessly just trying to kick the ball. so this one elder who is super
competetivehad the ball so while screaming like a monkey i ran to him
and kicked the ball out of his legs and stole it from him, but he fell
down. i guess, so when he got up he yelled "kaufusi get your trash over
here!!!" i was like hmmm ok :) so i walked over and said what's wrong
elder and he kinda shrunk when i got close and said some dumb thing
about how i don't know how to play soccer and i was like , "i know, the
lord doesn't make bodies like me for soccer" haha it was funny. ha i
think it's so funny that some elders get so competitive during sports. i
usually run around and try to look like a jungle beast haha. during
basketball when i play in my NEW SHOES THAT ARE AWESOME!!!!!! THANKSSS
SISSSSSSYYYYYY! the koreans just lvoe me cuz im so tall and they always
want me to dunk but i can't because i will not break the rules ha so i
just do dunks without touching the rim haha. Well i love all the stuff
yall send. it's awesome, i was so mad though because tracy jackson sent
me some salsa and the mail place consfiscated it. i was about to go ape
crazy when they gave me only the bag of chips! o and i have lost a bit
of weight.... im around 245.... i eat sooo much too, i think its cuz i
need to eat more throughout the day. so if you could keep sending snacks
and candies and whatever i would love it, plus i tell everyone that
you're the best cook mom! ha and i need to send yall my memory card cuz i
got alot of pics and videos of hilarity. alot of it is just soo random.
um what else....o my goodness i tots saw yous all the other day hahah i
walked out of the building where all my class time is, and i heard this
wild honking and was like, "what the korea?!" and when i looked over i
saw our car and some child hanging out of it or something. it was so
crazy hahaha sometimes i forget that i'm in provo. what else.... so how
is everyone doing? did dad love philly, i bet he weighs liek 312lbs
because he ate so much over there haha jk dad you're all muscle, i wish
you could transfer your muscle to my bod! mom don't go kill yourself on a
100 mile bike ride. lex don't have too much fun without me, ps how's
the shingles, you could totally use it as a pity thing and get some free
stuff! but really are you ok?!?... daryl and dev.....don't let your
hormones get the best of ya! bridle your passions you lil hot dogs! i
pray for yall all the time! i love you all sooooooooo much!
Amazing! I want to send him some cinnamon rolls, so if you could get me how many are in his district and his mailing address I would be eternally grateful. :)